The Funeral Excercise

Feb 27, 2017

 Photo by: Peyri Herrera   Most, if not all of you, are familiar with Stephen Covey’s magnum opus “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” If you haven’t ...

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    So, here we are starting a New Year…tick…tick…tick…I’m reminded of the days that pass and how I need to cherish each one as I learned of the ...

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Beware Rip VanWinkle

Dec 14, 2016

Photo by: Ioheasha   Remember the story of Rip VanWinkle? I always thought he slept 100 years, but according to the story, it was “only” 20. While where he found himself ...

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Chalk Talks

Nov 21, 2016

Photo by: Kennedy Library   Well, the election is over…thank the Lord! Whatever your opinion is, I think we can all agree on one thing…   Campaigning sucks!   Whether ...

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Am I an addict?

Oct 24, 2016

Photo by: Victor  Am I an addict?   Before you write me wondering what this has to do with family business, read just a bit more.  Hi…my name is Mark and I’m an addict… WHAT?? ...

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Photo by: Ethna Piazza    Lean in or run and hide…   I’ve written before about forgiveness and reconciliation. Once those two concepts grab ahold of you, they don’t ...

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Summer Musings....

Aug 16, 2016

  Photo by: Ian Burt  Summer Musings…   I had the chance to shut down for a bit this summer. As the RPMs slow down, some things bubble to the surface. Bear with me as ...

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Love Languages

Jul 25, 2016

  Photo by: Angela Marie Henriette   What is your love language?   Many of you are aware of the idea of love languages. Almost 25 years ago, Dr. Gary Chapman first came out ...

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Be Courageous!

Jun 21, 2016

Photo by Catherine     Many of you know I’m a fan of Brene Brown. Her TED Talk, “The Power of Vulnerability,” is one we recommend to all of our new clients. ...

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Don't Miss the Moose

May 18, 2016

Photo by Cameron Holt   Don’t miss the moose!   A number of years ago I was hiking with some friends outside of Salt Lake City, toward Timpanogos. I was set to fly back ...

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Photo by Ted Major   Google the word VALUE and you get:   the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.   OR   a ...

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Photo by Karen Christine Hibbard   Over Christmas this past year we were able to have our family together: my wife and I, our daughter (who is 25) and our son (23). Neither of our kids are ...

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Photo by Penn State  You’ve probably heard the term, HELICOPTER PARENT. Well, there’s a new one out, and it takes this idea to a whole other level (literally):  LAWNMOWER ...

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Jan 21, 2016

Photo by Rob Ellis A number of years ago I was visiting with an attorney friend of mine. At the time I was wrestling with a very hectic schedule and a number of demands on my time that seemed ...

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Off To Work I Go...

Dec 17, 2015

1938 Comic by Hank Porter   Just before the holidays I was meeting with a client. We had finished the main part of the meeting and were just chitchatting a bit. We got on the subject of ...

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Photo By Jon Connell Earlier this month, I met a track and field athlete who is training to compete in the Olympic Summer Games in Rio next summer. Many hours of training and many races stand ...

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"When will it end?"

Oct 28, 2015

 Ain’t it interesting how life works??? Just when you think you’ve got it by the tail, something new happens…   Last month I wrote in this column about forgiveness ...

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The Genuine Article

Sep 24, 2015

Go for the genuine article! Recently, I was speaking with a group of cattle ranchers and a question was raised regarding what to do when family members don’t get along. Before answering, ...

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Staying Engaged

Aug 25, 2015

Senioritis   Tommy and I were meeting recently with an intergenerational family business. The transition from one generation to the next is nearly done. We were asking “Dad” ...

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Four-Leafed Clover

Jul 15, 2015

A Four-Leafed Clover?  I like to mountain bike…have I mentioned that before? Recently I was on a ride with a friend in the Coast Range out of McMinnville. We were climbing a trail ...

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