Rebuilding Trust

Feb 24, 2022

Photo by: Ron    Rebuilding Trust when Trust has been Broken   Some of you are familiar with Love Languages. The book’s “cousin” for business is Languages of ...

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Lessons from a Fall

Jan 25, 2022

Photo courtesy of Mark Wickman   Lessons from a Fall…   Back in the Fall I wrote a blog entry entitled, Lessons from Afar. Well, now, not to be cute, but this month’s ...

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Turn Your Brain Off

Nov 17, 2021

Photo courtesy of Mark Wickman     Turn Your Brain Off   This October, I had the chance to meet a friend in Sedona for some mountain biking. What a place! What a treat! Most ...

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Role reversal?...

Oct 21, 2021

Photo by: Valeria Zolotoreva      Role Reversal?…   I “celebrated” (not sure that’s the right word) a birthday last month…my 65th…Yes, ...

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Lessons from afar...

Sep 17, 2021

Photo by flickr commons   Lessons from afar…   My wife and I just got back from what has become an annual “unplugging.” I’ve shared with many of you how ...

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Delegation as an Art Form - Some Tips for Leaders   Ever seen a painting that moves you? I am a fan of Impressionism and a style called Impasto. I love them all and I have for years.  ...

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A great article on expressing gratitude in the workplace:   

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A great video on creating culture in the workplace!   Mark's message after watching this video:  I don’t just like this. I LOVE it!

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Message Me

Jul 20, 2021

Photo by: Jens Larsson   Message Me How often have you heard that in the last week? How many “messages” do you receive on a daily basis? Text, voicemail, Messenger, Instagram, ...

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  Photo by: David Ellis   Accountability and Autonomy   A client recently shared something he’d been reading. The thoughts/topics included in the reading come up regularly ...

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May 24, 2021

 Photo by: Jerome Bon  Trust???!!!   Has this ever happened to you? You share something very personal with a “trusted” friend…A month later you get a call from ...

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Photo by: Sharon   Transition…Transaction…Transformation   As most of you know, much of FBC’s work centers around the transition of leadership from one generation ...

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Hurry Hangover

Mar 29, 2021

 Photo by: Marloes   Are you hungover?? I was…   Another confession…Following last month’s…Wow! Is this blog becoming my “priest”??  ...

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Photo by: Ryan Bowman   Anger – Does it have an upside?   Confession…COVID is wearing on me. Is it on you? I find my anger trigger can be a hair trigger far too often, usually ...

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Photo by: Rachel Johnson   Social Media   The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly…   You’ve read ad nauseum about social media. Heck, you may even use it ad nauseum.    Even ...

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Photo by: Nathaniel_U   The Up’s and Down’s of PROSPERITY   We have lived under the sober acknowledgement that DISCIPLINE combined with COMMITMENT produces PROSPERITY ...

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Find Your Anchor

Nov 17, 2020

Photo by: Keith Hall  Find Your Anchor I recently had a client say this to me: “Cindi, as we enter winter and possibly even experience depression given everything going on, we will ...

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Photo by: Philippa McKinlay   Communication is a Lifelong Journey   My wife and I have been working our way through the book and accompanying workbook, Getting the Love You Want, ...

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Family Friendly

Jul 21, 2020

Photo by Kat Grigg     “Family Friendly”   Not too long ago I was at a client’s office. We were having a team meeting and discussing some of the challenges ...

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Photo by Ruth Lathlean   Weaving the tapestry of your family business   You’ve probably all seen pictures of the reverse side of a tapestry. Just a bunch of knots and loose ends of ...

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